Sunday, August 25, 2013

What a difference a week can make in your life.   I have just had a week that I am sure I do not wish to repeat anytime soon.  It seemed to never end,  but thankfully and through the Grace and Mercy of God, I did.

I will just post a summary, and then let it go.  I do want to remember the trials, to look back and see how strong I really am with the Lord to lean on in times of such struggle and sadness.

For those that do not know, we have rescued dogs, cats, horses, birds and a few kids along the last 35 yrs.  we are winding down and just have the remaining cats that have not been able to be placed, either they have special needs, or just over population.  We believe strongly in spay and neuters, and try to find homes for those that tame up, the others we do the trap,neuter release.  so from there , my week started....

Monday, we dealt with a box of kittens, finding them in the hay mow,  

Tuesday, we buried a feral we caught, vetted and neutered, then we were getting him ready to find a forever home, 

Wednesday, the Angel lady in town accepted the box of kittens, and Wednesday night through till Thursday morning, we had over 5000 yellow jackets decide to drop into the family room for an over night stay, (till the bug man came!)

Thursday I shared this on my forum:

the kittens got taken, and vetted, and all were sick and had to cross the bridge., the yellow jackets got escorted quickly to the great hive in the sky, and after cleaning yesterday and today, cleaning anything I had used around the kittens with bleach, and then having to wash all laundry or cloth items that the exterminators hit with the killing dust, scrubbing walls and floors, today was hard cause I am in a major pain flare. gee, wonder why? anyway... I will not say more, so as not to jinx anything.. just plan to have a very quiet week-end.. you know just to recoup! But I bounce back and will be fine in a few! just wanted to update to all you that commented. (((hugs)) to you all.

(Sad to say, that was not the end to my week, yet.....)

Saturday morning, I felt Oliver's glands and neck swollen...
well today (Saturday) was going to be my rest and re coup day, only woke to find one of the special needs cats is sick with swollen glands have to get to vet at noon. more later.

back from vets.....
I can not believe what I am about to write. We took Oliver (3 yrs old) to vets, and he had Lymphoma, and was suffering, so we just buried him with all our beloved fur family.
I can not wrap my head around what is happening.....
Sunday I shared with my on line family, my thought on the last week.

Good Sunday Morning to all! We just had a big brunch, the kitties are all settled and the weather is beautiful.
Yesterday was rough but I don't fight the grief like I used to, I allow myself the time to have a cry (which I never used to afford myself) and then I wipe my tears and see all the blessings and goodness I have to be thankful for.

Plus, I know that death is but a transition and  I am blessed with gifts many do not have, so I usually get a visit  from them before they go on about their business!
I do believe this is the  beginning of being freed up so I can get on with my real purpose, metaphysical and spiritual lessons and teachings for those now awakening.
The pain is but a passing thing, the love in my heart for each one of them, is eternal.

I am sorry I have been such a Debbie Downer this whole week, but honestly, I could barely believe how it just never seemed to stop.  I thank you all that showed me support and love through this past week.

I love you all!

now go out and ENJOY this day the Lord has made!

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